
Bundles cover standard things. Add Plus items to tailor your plan to your situation

Not for profit reviews

Tier 3 - Tier 4

From $500

NZD excl. GST

Contact us to enquire about a review of prepared financial information for Tier 3 and Tier 4 entities.

A review is not an audit, but still provides assurance about the quality of the reports prepared by your organisation to XRB standards.


Pay-day filing gives IRD immediate clarity on employees but brings with it extra compliance requirements



NZD monthly excl. GST

When your business employs staff we reconcile your wages and PAYE to Inland Revenue's records with your annual financial statements .

Giga integrated


NZD monthly excl. GST

Available when your software has payroll capabilities.

We take your employee information and ensure compliance with IRD. We let you know who to pay, and when.

Giga employer


NZD monthly excl. GST

If your software doesn't have payroll capabilities we will acquire dedicated payroll software for you and use it on your behalf.

We take your employee information and ensure compliance with IRD. We let you know who to pay, and when.


Livestock values are calculated in a variety of ways and we ensure compliance with the right laws

Herd scheme


NZD monthly excl. GST per livestock class e.g. sheep, cattle

Herd scheme treats livestock as a capital asset. Increases or decreases in value of the herd aren't taxable.

National Standard Cost


NZD monthly excl. GST per livestock class e.g. sheep, cattle

NSC treats livestock as trading stock. Changes in value of your herd will be taxable, even when they aren't sold. The up-side is that the taxable values themselves are usually lower.

More services

One-off, additional customisations to your bundle

GST return


NZD per return excl. GST

Single GST return prepared in your system and filed for you. Handy if you just need one taken care of while things are busy.

Additional person


NZD monthly excl. GST

Bundles include enough returns for most. We can cater for additional people involved in your business by way of checking IRD refunds and preparing IR3 returns.

One year Forecast and budget with monthly monitoring


NZD monthly excl. GST for 12 months

A projection of how your business will run over the next 12 months, with monitoring and maintenance to help you achieve your goal

One year forecast and budget without monitoring


NZD monthly excl. GST for 2 to 4 months depending on complexity

A projection for your business that you can use as a leaping point in self-directed monitoring

Self-filer review


NZD excl. GST

For the independent entrepreneur who wants to file everything themselves, including their own tax return. You prepare everything to the point it's ready to be filed. We review your info, prepare notes if needed, and suggest how the IR10 should be laid out.

It's not an audit, and you have no obligation to follow our notes.

Other services

$ hourly

We're not just about compliance. We're number experts and will happily prepare analyses and other special workings.

We're also geeks and proud. We're competent with light IT, like getting a web domain and attaching it to email for that professional appearance (goodbye

Ask us for an estimate!

Who provides the services?

Gigaccounting Limited provides all non-accounting services. Accounting and assurance services are provided by an individual Chartered Accountant, and the relationship is facilitated by Gigaccounting Limited.